R. Hart Decorators. Est. 1979 "It's not just decoration..." "It's property preservation"
R. Hart Decorators.  Est. 1979  "It's not just decoration...""It's property preservation"


Dulux Mousepainter  

Click on the  link to visit Dulux ICI Mousepainter.

A great tool that I use regularly to show customers a guide to how their chosen colours would look. It allows you to paint a virtual room or exterior..  Good fun for the kids too!

Wall Murals

Pixers is a company that provide Wall Murals online. With thousands to choose from.  Or you can even  upload your own photo.

They can be made to any size to incorperate the whole wall or as a smaller feature for alcoves, chimney breasts, etc.

Their paper quality is excellent with various finishes.

The link below will direct you to their website.

Well worth a look if your thinking "Murals"



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I can be contacted through the contacts page . Or click  Here..

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